Looking to buy yourself a new device?
Looking to sell your phone or tablet?
Upgrade to a premium grade pre-owned device and save big! Don’t pay an arm and a leg for a new iPhone, iPad or Android device elsewhere! Pick one from our collection of pre-owned devices! Our pre-owned quality tested iPhones and iPads undergo a thorough 28-point inspection to ensure 100% functionality of each device. All devices are backed with a 1 year warranty!
Looking to sell your cellphone or iPad?
We want to buy your device for CASH! We will pay you for your broken or damaged smartphone or iPad/tablet instead of it collecting dust at home. All you have to do is bring in your device and leave it with us for an assessment. Once our technicians have assessed it, we will give you cash! It’s that simple!
We can Solve your Hardware and Software Problems
All you have to do is bring in your device and leave it with us for an assessment. Once our technicians have assessed it, we will give you cash! It’s that simple!
Yes, of course! Bring in all the devices you want to sell and we can make you an offer!
Yes, of course! Trade in options are always available.
If the question you have has not yet been answered here, use the form with clicking ask question button to ask something about buying or selling devices.